unity3d 插件 OpenCV for Unity3D 1.27图像识别 OpenCV3.0包更新
OpenCV for Unity3D 1.2.7
Requires Unity 4.6.0 or higher.
[NEW] Unity5 support
[NEW] Add Beta5 Version of “OpenCV for Untiy” based on “OpenCV3.0.0”(WindowsStoreApp8.1 &WindowsPhone8.1 & Linux Support Added).
Works with Unity and Unity Pro
iOS & Android support
Win & Mac Standalone support(if Unity4,Pro only)
Preview support in the Editor(if Unity4,Pro only)
OpenCV for Unity is an Assets Plugin for using OpenCV from within Unity.
SampleCode | Demo Application | Tutorial & Demo Video(Unity4 Unity5) | Forum | API
- Since this package is a clone of OpenCV Java, you can use as it is all the API Reference OpenCV Java 2.4.11 (link). (“org.opencv.android” and “SURF and SIFT of org.opencv.features2d” are excluded)
- You can image processing in real-timeby using the WebCamTexture capabilities of Unity. (real-time face detection works smoothly in iPhone 5)
- Provides a method to interconversion ofUnity's Texture2D and OpenCV's Mat.
- Includes many classes from OpenCVForUnity, and implementsIDisposable. You can manage the resources with the "using" statement.
SampleCode using OpenCV for Unity is available.
MarkerBased AR Sample
FaceTracker Sample
Voforia with OpenCV for Unity Sample
Kinect with OpenCV for Unity Sample
System Requirements
Build Win Standalone & Preview Editor : Windows 7 or later
Build Mac Standalone & Preview Editor : OSX 10.8 or later
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